Dad's Colon Cancer Pages

This website is from the research I have done for my dad (William B.Kimmel),who has colon cancer stage IV mets to liver and lungs. This website will be updated often,so keep coming back. To my Dad,from his son,Jeff Kimmel. UPDATE= My Dad passed away on the morning of October 16,1999,in his sleep.


(1) What Is Colon Cancer?:
(2) Find A Doctor:
(3) Cancer Centers:
(4) Colon Cancer Information:
(5) Cancer Tests,Scans and Procedures:
(6) Agencies and Institutes:
(7) Library:
(8) Ask The Doctor:
(9) Support:
(10) Financial Help:
(11) News:
(12) Journals:
(13) Search Engines:
(14) Medicine:
(15) Chemotherapy:
(16) Chemotherapy Side Effects:
(17) Radiation:
(18) Radiation Side Effects:
(19) Clinical Trials:
(20) Surgery:
(21) Colostomy and Ports:
(22) Cancer Vaccines:
(23) Alternative Medicine (Check with Doctor):
(24) Cancer Nutrition:
(25) Cancer Research:
(26) Metastases and Recurrent Cancer:
(27) Links:
(28) Legal Matters:
(29) Hospice,End of Life:
(30) Hereditary:
(31) Gene Therapy:
(32) Cryosurgery:
(33) Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA):
(34) PhotoDynamic Therapy:
(35) ChronoTherapy:
(36) ChemoEmbolization:
(37) Hypethermia:
(38) Proton Therapy:
(39) Liver(Hepatic) Resection:
(40) In Vitro Testing:
(41) Angiogenesis:
(42) Conferences:
(43) XELODA:
(44) Oxaliplatin:
(45) Camptosar (CPT-11):
(46) Ascites:
(47) Medical and Pharmaceutical Companies:

dad's colon cancer pages

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